So, its the second and final semester of high school. everyone knows that its a critical year, and you're gonna make life-changing decisions. I'm gonna make this short and simple, since I really have to study LOTS -_-
For the past 6 months i believe, I've been very inactive on the blog. Blogging and limiting the amount of anime that I watch for the last semester has surely paid off, with a low to mid 80's average of last semester. So Im gonna try to keep this up, but remain the same Otaku as i was before. I applied to University of Toronto Mississauga, Mcmaster university and Ryerson for life sciences, and I'm going to work my way up there. The way I see things, is Knowledge=money=more anime. I havent fully dropped anime episodes out of my lifestyle if you're wondering. They're just on hold until a weekend without any homework or until a Holiday.
Hope you're all doing well, and to some people thanks for adding me to your blogrolls! just let me know and I'll add you to mine xD HAVE A GOOD ONE!